Vote YES for

La Plata County

Ballot Issue 1A

Child Care for La Plata County is a ​registered Small Issue Committee in ​support of Lodger’s Tax Reallocation

About the Committee

The committee was formed by residents of ​La Plata County, Colorado to advocate for ​the reallocation of Lodger’s Tax.

HB 22-1117 allows counties, with voter ​approval, to reallocate up to 90% of the ​lodging tax revenue collected for:

  • Housing and childcare for the tourism-​related workforce, including seasonal ​workers, and for other workers in the ​community
  • Facilitating and enhancing visitor ​experiences
  • Capital expenditures related to these ​new purposes

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Lodger's Tax?

Counties in Colorado are permitted to collect a two percent tax on hotel rooms, short-term rentals and other lodging ​accommodations and La Plata County has collected lodging tax since 1987. Per the 1987 statute, counties could only use ​lodging tax funds for tourism marketing and advertising. La Plata County collected $892,339 in lodging tax in 2022 and ​approximately $1 million in 2023..

Will this raise my taxes?

No, the La Plata County lodging taxes are the tax locals don’t pay. Guests at hotels, motels, bed-and-breakfasts and vacation ​rentals pay this tax.

Why is the Board of County Commissioners considering a ballot initiative to reallocate Lodger's Tax revenue?

In 2022, the Colorado Legislature passed HB22-1117, which expanded the allowable uses of revenue for a county’s lodging tax, ​with voter approval. The bill allows for reallocation of up to 90% of lodging tax to be used for housing and childcare for the ​tourism-related workforce as well as facilitating and enhancing visitor experiences. Since the bill was enacted, eight Colorado ​counties and one marketing district have asked voters to either reallocate their lodging tax or collect a new lodging tax under ​the new allocation law and voters approved eight of the nine measures.

How could the Lodger’s Tax reallocation impact childcare in La Plata County?

A reallocation of 70% of the Lodger’s Tax could generate almost $700,000 per year to support childcare and affordable ​housing in La Plata County. An investment of that could help to address affordability of care for families, increase ​capacity of child care facilities and support recruitment and compensation of the early childhood workforce.


Address Affordability

The Opportunity:

Create a county-wide, income-based tuition assistance ​program that would increase affordability of childcare in La ​Plata County for children who currently can not access ​Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), Head Start or ​Colorado Universal Preschool.

The Challenge:

Childcare for a La Plata County family with 2 children ​without access to subsidized childcare costs an average of ​29% of their household income. The Department of Health ​and Human Services defines “affordable” childcare as 7% or ​less.

Increase Capacity and Access

The Opportunity:

Establish a Capital Improvement Fund by retaining a portion of ​tax revenue each year. This fund could be leveraged as ​matching dollars for childcare programs seeking loans or ​grants to expand facilities or acquire new facilities to serve as ​licensed child care centers.

The Challenge:

Local licensed providers have capacity for less than 40% of ​children 5 and under in La Plata County. Only 80 licensed child ​care slots exist to serve infants under 12 months. Licensed ​programs are closing or reducing their capacity at a faster rate ​than spots are being created.


Support Early Childhood Workforce

The Opportunity:

Recruit and train new early childhood educators to ensure ​that programs serving children under 3 years of age are ​operating at full licensed capacity. Supplement the wages ​of local teachers working with children under 3 years of ​age, so they can continue working with our youngest ​learners.

The Challenge:

La Plata County early childhood educators, especially those ​working with infants and toddlers are making below a ​livable wage, earning an average of $31,000 per year and ​licensed programs are seeing a 42% annual turnover rate.

News and Endorsements

Durango Herald - September 7, 2024

ENDORSEMENT: Our view: ‘Yes’ to allocating lodgers tax to child care, housing

The editorial board recommends a “yes” vote on the November ballot to applying 70% of the county’s lodgers tax ​to child care and to housing.

Durango Herald - August 27, 2024

Lodgers tax reallocation makes La Plata County ballot

La Plata County voters will decide in November whether to redirect 70% of the revenue from the county’s ​lodgers tax toward affordable housing and child care.

Durango Herald - August 12, 2024

La Plata County likely to propose 70% reallocation of ​lodgers tax to housing, child care

La Plata County commissioners are likely to ask voters ​to reallocate 70% of the lodgers tax revenue away ​from tourism marketing and management, and ​instead redirect the money toward workforce housing

Get in touch!

Paid for by Child Care for La Plata County, Small ​Issue Committee. Registered Agent

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